Understanding this then helps the employer make adjustments to enable the employee to meet the demands and risks of the job.
The Process
Pre-Placement Screening is carried out for new starters, revised roles and baseline health checks via a questionnaire that is completed by the employee either online or on paper. The results are reviewed by our clinical team and the employee is categorised as fit for work, fit for work with restrictions, or not fit for work. The purpose of the questionnaire is to:
Establish a baseline assessment before an employee starts working.
Ensure the prospective employee is medically fit to fulfil the duties and responsibilities of the post.
Assess whether the proposed post may adversely affect the prospective employee’s health and make recommendations to reduce the risk if necessary.
Record health information as a starting point for monitoring exposure to health hazards e.g. a hearing test on an employee working in a noise hazard area. This type of test is called a baseline test as it is establishing health levels before exposure.
Abide by any legal duties to carry out pre-placement assessments of an individual’s fitness for work, for example, those working with lead or compressed air.
Identify any adjustments that an employee may need to perform their role.
Make any recommendations to the employer to ensure that any potential risk is mitigated.
Determining the Outcome
A professional judgement will be made by our Occupational Health Nurse on the suitability of the applicant to the proposed post by reviewing the questionnaire; making an assessment of the potential employee’s health and functional capacity based on the information provided; ensuring there is a clear understanding of pertinent medical conditions in line with the potential job tasks and/or demands; working environment and fitness to work issues.
If the nurse is unable to determine the suitability of the applicant for the proposed post, or the applicant has declared a condition that requires a medical examination, a face-to-face consultation with an Occupational Health Physician may be required, who will establish any requirements for baseline health surveillance or whether a health check is required due to the nature of the role.
Service Standards
Pre-placement health checks by Wellness International Ltd. will be based on objective, informed assessment of all the available relevant information and are carried out in line with the requirements of the Equality Act.
Wellness International Ltd. uses an Occupational Health system where HR managers enter the new starter details after which the employee will be notified via email of an online questionnaire to complete. Once completed, it is reviewed by the Occupational Health nurse and a report is uploaded onto the system. If there are any concerns, a telephone consultation with the Occupational Health Nurse will take place before the report is completed. Management information is therefore available in real-time to HR. Where an employee does not have an email address, a paper copy can be sent directly to them.